I am back from my journey to a strange place. . .
"When the baby looks around him
It's such a sight to see
He shares a simple secret
With the wise man
He's a stranger in a strange land
Just a stranger in a strange land
Tell me why
He's a stranger in a strange land
Just a stranger in a strange land - "
First, I want to thank all of you who left supportive remarks for me on my previous (colonoscopy) post. I also want to thank those who left witty comments!
The prep was not THAT bad.
When my blood sugar does down I feel draggy and susceptible to "moods." But a little strained miso soup, ginger ale, and chilled green tea, make for a cleansing day and kept me going.
Drinking the 16 gallons (less?) of colyte was merely a commitment to DO it.
It wasn't till I was at the medical center that I began to get nervous - which is good, because I used to be nervous ALL the time, EVERYWHERE!
Why do you think I've become such a well being expert?
I had the choice of spiralling around in anxiety, or discovering and entering the Comfort Spiral. . .
The positivity that you find at this blog was hard earned, and requires respect and upkeep on my part. Which is not to say that it is fragile (far from it - hooray!) just that it takes a daily commitment which is far from difficult.
The motto of Kaiser / Hawaii Region is: "Caring for Hawaii's People Like Family" and most everyone you meet there is excellent at their task, and very human & warm.
Jim Morrison of the DOORS sang: "People are strange when you're a stranger."
When I felt estranged from others, everyday brought examples of their strangeness. Since I have begun to see the innocence in others and in myself, I have found good people everywhere I go. Marianne Williamson says there is no thought so insignificant that it does not have effect in our world. Since I have discovered the beauty in others (and in myself) and stopped living in constant judgement of them (and myself) I have felt more at home in the world and among others than ever before. People really can feel it when we are surrendered and trusting. My new health motto has become:
"Rejoice & Rejuvenate."
Sure beats the tar out of:
"Worry & Complain."
I knew that the team would either give me a clean bill of health, or remove a potential problem and thus save my health and life years in advance of any symptoms.
So I was grateful to receive this screening!
The Doc removed a few small polyps (future problems) said that it all looked good, and told me to repeat the test in . . . . 10 years! I'll be eligible for Medicare then. . .
One reason that I am sharing all of this is because a blogger I follow (was it you, Sandee?) recently posted about her colonoscopy (timely!) and made me feel much better about the whole thing. (Thanks!)
Another BLOGGING Miracle!
So it is in that spirit that I urge all my friends here who are lucky enough to have health coverage (or who can afford this screening) to strongly consider getting it done.
In honesty, I must tell you that I felt really out of it afterwards, and that I'm just beginning to feel like myself again (the test was Monday - I even missed posting yesterday which is rare for (big mouth) me ;-]
So today I'm babying myself with great self-indulgence. My favorite husband (who I usually leave out of this blog-thing) has been a trooper throughout, even taking yesterday off to stay home and annoy, er, distract and care for me!
Having seen my Dad fight a losing battle with cancer back in the Spring makes everyday seem precious!
So thanks to each and every one of you who share this blog-y life with me. Our friend Sepiru Chris of Cuneiform Scratchings (see my blog roll) sent me a cool postcard from Hong Kong. His cat companion, Pommes, also mailed a delectable "double-fish" seal to Miss Kitty who enjoys having it over her treat-spot. I'm resting in bed and reading Walking Man's book of verse: "Stink." (See my blog roll for his worthy blog also)
And I've noticed a lot of positive, under-reported news stories lately too. Many of the bailed out banks and financials are PAYING BACK bail-out funds and the Fed Gov't (you and me) is even showing a profit! Big Money Authorities (OK, I forgot the source) stated that the Federal Gov't "saved the financial system from disaster." (Even though we all know that it requires more balancing & fairness to us little guys)
And General Jones said this week that the Obama administration has made us all demonstrably SAFER in the world!
I look forward to getting around to visit all of YOU very soon, though I'm still feel a bit tentative, and I feel a televised, late-season WNBA game coming on ;-]
I love you guys - thanks for EVERYTHING!
Warm Aloha, Cloudia