Thursday, June 30, 2022

Such Glory Over

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Your dreams are the
wealth of your mind.
   Michael Bassey Johnson

When I found I had
crossed that line, [to freedom]
I looked at my hands to see
if I was the same person.
There was such a glory
over everything;
the sun cameras like gold
through the trees,
and over the fields,
and I felt like I
was in Heaven. Harriet Tubman

Encourage me and
I will not forget you.
William Arthur Ward

Just when the caterpillar
thought “I am 
incapable of moving,” 
it became a butterfly.
 Annette Thomas

I have studied many
philosophers and many cats.
The wisdom of cats is
infinitely superior.
Hippolyte Taine

Love You,
    Cloudia & Pixie