A L O H A From Honolulu!
Don't find fault,
find a remedy.
Henry Ford *
Aloha, means to let be.
Don't meddle. Don't decide
what is right for others.
Respect people, that is the
essence of aloha and
it comes from love
Cascabela thevetia - Common Name: yellow oleander
If every tiny flower
wanted to be a rose,
spring would lose
its loveliness.
Therese of Lisieux
There are more life forms
in a handful of forest soil than
there are people on the planet.
Carl Sagan
Love yourself, even
a little bit each day,
and your life will bloom
into infinite joy.
Amy Leigh Mercree,
Medical Intuitive
Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie
SkywatchFeline Friday
* Ironically, Ford was a rabid anti-semite who published and daily spread the fabricated faults of Jewish people!