Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer Retreat

A L O H A !

" In my first thirty years of life
I roamed hundreds and thousands of miles.

Walked by rivers through deep green grass
Entered cities of boiling red dust.
Tried drugs, but couldn't make Immortal;
Read books and wrote poems on history.

Today I'm back at Cold Mountain:
I'll sleep by the creek and purify my ears. "

Han Shan,
Translated by Gary Snyder

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What kind of life is this,
Living in the vacation land
of Waikiki?

I look at the world
of important affairs
and it is just as happy
without me.

And so, like Han Shan,
I live in retirement.

Except that my words
are not secrets
but broadcast

and wonder 
of wonders!


          Thank YOU, cloudia