A L O H A !
Click on the clouds & optical effects below:
Crepuscular Rays
- an Optical Effect -
shining up from
Cumulus clouds.
The ones
shining down
from the
are called
'Jacob's Ladder
Crepuscular times of day
are around dawn and dusk.
When boundaries of
light and dark
are emphasized.
Crepuscular comes from the Latin
"crepusculum" - 'Twilight.'
" And we are put on Earth
a little space,
that we may learn
to bear the beams
of love."
William Blake
a Notable Cloud species
the jet-stream Cirrus
Perspective makes these
parallel filaments,
driven by high winds,
appear to yearn
towards convergence
in the distance.
" You must not blame me
if I do talk
to the clouds. "
Hawaii Rainbow-
Optical Effect of
the refraction of light
through water droplets,
blown over Waikiki.
Notice the Primary Bow,
and the fainter
"Secondary Bow."
A darker band:
"Alexander's Dark Band"
between them,
is not obvious
in my picture;
are a locus of wonder.
Light Wind Water
They teach us
many lessons
if we spend time
with them.
My wish for you
“ Be thou the rainbow
in the storms of life.
The evening beam
that smiles the clouds
and tints tomorrow
with prophetic
ray .”
Shine in comments!
Warmly, cloudia
Lord Byron