A L O H A From Honolulu!
Nothing wrong with tears.
They polish your soul.
They polish your soul.
It is by going down into
the abyss that we recover
the treasures of life.
Where you stumble,
there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid
to enter turns out to be the
source of what you are looking for.
Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell
Every person is unique
and autonomous and
actually, considered independently,
the greatest artwork of all time.
Thomas Bernhard
Your face is a billboard
advertising your
philosophy of life!
Barbara Johnson
If the world could only
understand Aloha,
what a beautiful place
it would be
Ed Naleilehua Lindsey
Every day send some
blessings to the world.
Let there be flow of love.
Amit Ray
Such a shame:
The emptiest minds
make the most noise!
The emptiest minds
make the most noise!
Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia
Happy Chinese New Year From Honolulu!