Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Knock Knock

AH- Loha
Waikiki Welcomes YOU Back. . .
click on photos-in-the-sand

"If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light.
Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears."

-- Glenn Clark

"Sometimes one likes foolish people for their folly, better than wise people for their wisdom."

Elizabeth Gaskell

"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."
Maori Proverb

Scene: Me at my desk, here below decks,
on board my home/boat visiting blogs on-line.

Suddenly there is a "knock" against the hull.
Sounds like something is loose, and banging against the boat.

I go up on deck to look around.

It always amazes me that all of THAT HAWAII is just outside
while I swim across the surging bits & pixels of the Internet
down here.

I find: nothing.
Nothing swinging, nothing loose, nothing rolling across the deck.

Back at my laptop I hear it again: "Knock Knock."
Nothing hanging from the rigging.
Once more around the deck looking for the source.


But look at all that sky and beauty! I gotta go outside more!
Clicking on another blog. . . Knock!

Kitty was very tolerant as I stepped over her for the bazillionth time. Knock!

Looking over the side, I spot it:
A floating beer bottle, ballast-ed with water, is lurking.


Glad that it is not something I need to fix RIGHT NOW, I settle back at the keyboard.

MMMMMM? Is it too early for a libation?

Here's to YOU my bloggy friends! ALOHA, cloudia