A L O H A !
"The pursuit of truth
and beauty is a
sphere of activity in
which we are permitted
to remain children
all our lives."
Albert Einstein
Pelican |
"All of us are stars
and deserve the
right to twinkle."
Marilyn Monroe
Geese Three, Palms Likewise |
"I see my path, but
I don't know
where it leads.
Not knowing
where I'm going
is what inspires me
to travel it."
Rosalia de Castro
Shadow On Our Flag |
“If your actions inspire
others to dream more,
learn more, do more and
become more,
you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams
California Bay Area |
"A kind heart is a
fountain of gladness,
making everything in its
vicinity freshen into smiles."
Washington Irving
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Thank YOU
Warmly, cloudia