A L O H A From Honolulu!
Reverie is not
a mind vacuum. It is
rather the gift of
an hour which knows
the plenitude of
the soul.
Gaston Bachelard
Double Self Snap
When you're not
concerned with succeeding,
you can work with
complete freedom.
Larry David
Rule of Thirds. I Guess.
True wisdom lies
in gathering the
precious things
out of each day
as it goes by.
E.S. Boutons
8 People Waiting To Walk
If you ever find yourself
in the wrong story, leave.
Mo Willems
Rearing Steed
Life itself is
the proper binge.
Julia Child
Face 2 Face
By being yourself,
you put something
wonderful in the world
that was
not there before.
Edwin Elliot
Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie