Monday, August 28, 2023

In Golden Flight

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Blazing in the sunset skies,
Heraldic creature of delight,
What are you, what are your eyes,
What is the mystery of your flight?

Your wings are wide over seas,
Your body a golden flame,
such a creature of mystery,
Vision of the spirit's Name.

You float on air, to
soar above the mountain's height,
You are a symbol of fire,
Sign of the soul's delight.

You spirit of freedom,
Of soul's unconquered will,
You are the herald of Coming,
Messenger of New Day.

Light that shines in darkness,
Hope that never dies,
Love that conquers all things,
Eternal Spirit Rise.

Today well lived makes
every yesterday a dream of
happiness, and every tomorrow
a vision of hope. Look well,
therefore, to this day.
Indian Proverb

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A Good friend once told me:
"THESE are the Good Old Days"
All these years later
I Know That He Was Right!

So now I'm telling you:
"THESE are
the Good Old Days"

Now Go
And Make Us Right!

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