ALOHA, Friend
SUNDAY in Honolulu
Click on the history
After a generation of American Protestant Missionaries,
the Ali`i (Royalty) of Hawaii discovered the Anglican Church
which actively supports royalty.
King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma formally invited the church to establish a mission in the isles in 1860.
These two monarchs also established Queens Hospital -
today the premier medical facility in the Pacific.
Today, St. Andrews Cathedral is a part of the urban fabric
of our Polynesian Metropolis.
"I am I plus my surroundings,
and if I do not preserve the latter,
I do not preserve myself."
Jose` Ortega y Gasset
This painting of a homeless worshipper speaks to the modern mission
of St. Andrews, though it is right next door to the governors historic home
(Queen Liliuokalani's Washington Place) and
across Beretania (Britannia) Street from our State Capitol.
(the anniversary of their confirmation in 1862 -
the King died about a year later at age 29).
Please excuse the blurry shot - but an icon is a glimpse into the other world,
something the camera can not convey
The feathered staff is called a Kahili, it is an emblem of the Ali`i.
On Wednesday's you can hear Hawaii's largest pipe organ,
a heroic Aeolian-Skinner with nearly 5000 pipes.
What an aural pummeling!
And last, but not least, I give you Surfing Jesus.
"More people are flattered into virtue
than bullied out of vice."
R.S. Surtees
ALOHA, cloudia