A L O H A From Honolulu!
Be reverent before
the dawning day.
Do not think of what
will be in a year,
or in ten years.
Think of to-day.
Romain Rolland
Don't be afraid of the
sharps, flats, or minor keys
in the melody of your life.
They give your song it's
soul and great value.
Celebrate the small things
and our lives become
bigger than ever.
Tim Fargo
There is always Music
amongst the trees
in the Garden, but
our hearts must be
very quiet to hear it.
Minnie Aumonier
When you are kind to others,
it not only changes you,
it changes the world.
Lolly Daskal
Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia
Alas this favorite mural no longer exists in Waikiki
Kwan Yin with Heroes & Demons