at Haiku Gardens
"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly."
Lauren Bacall
by their tales & memories
"Throw your dreams into space like a kite,
and you do not know what it will bring back,
a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country"
Anais Nin
Meanwhile, back in Honolulu Town, life goes on.
What was it he said that stuck in my mind all these years,
these decades,
these ages of life?
About enjoying his child times, playing with his friends;
'This must be the best time of life?' He thought.
Playing basketball in college, his yarmulke bobby-pinned to his
about winning with the team;
'This has to be the best time of life.'
Of courting & marriage,
'The best moments of life' He thought
until his first child was born.
Turning to his own father as they looked at the newborn,
an ancient Rabbi with an ancient beard,
'Pop,' he said 'This is the greatest moment of my life!'
His father only smiled wider and said
'Wait till your first grand child is born;
THAT is life's sweetest moment!'
L'Chaim! To Life!
It sure beats the alternative!
Just for today,
let's not get angry,
let's not be afraid.
A wonderful post is HERE at Writing in Faith.
And thanks to Pagan Sphinx
for the smashing shot of fire on the beach that
inspired me to post my top shot today.
Hers is better. HERE
toodles, cloudia