Aloha Dreamers!
"We all grow up with the weight of history on us.
Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell in our bodies."
Shirley Abbot
Yes, Daryl,
they are both waiting patiently!

Harriet Beecher Stowe
A True Story
When we got married
I was surprised at how "strange" and "different" I felt in my skin.
Even though we had been living together for years
the intention and the ceremony
brought something else into our home,
something wholly unexpected.
My husband felt it too;
We even marvelled and discussed this mysterious, unexpected,
and tangible feeling.
Who knew?
Around that time
I had a dream,
a dream of deepest morning.
I had entered a room
and many women were seated there.
I didn't see their faces
but felt their joy in being together.
They were casual and relaxed
but the atmosphere was very high.
I suddenly just knew that these ladies
were all my ancestresses,
my blood relations going back
and back.
I felt that my grandmother was there.
It was not time to meet them yet
but I was there for a reason.
So I never saw their faces.
Suddenly a manicured hand
(wearing a charm bracelet (!)
reached out
offered me:
A slice of honey cake!
My grandparents used to bring it.
I hadn't thought of Honey Cake in years!
I understood that they welcomed me,
as a married woman
and one of their line.
I even told my husband about the dream.
It was all so vivid!
I hadn't thought of
Honey Cake
Later that morning
we were in the store where we've shopped for years.
For some reason
I looked down
and there is was:
Honey Cake
Where I'd never seen it before!
Someday I know
that I'll revisit that room.
I'll sit with all the ladies
and we'll offer the plate
to the next generation
and the next.
There will be lots to talk about!
A L O H A! Cloudia