Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Breadfruit and Bedspreads

 A L O H A From Honolulu!
When you come out
of the storm you
won't be the same person
that walked in.
That's what the storm
is all about. Haruki Murakami

Daytime Disco Sunshine
Under The
Upside Down Canoe


 Ulu Leaves
These are such an iconic shape that
they are a popular Hawaiian Quilt Pattern.
[Shown Below]

Breadfruit, (Artocarpus altilis),
tree of the mulberry family
and its large fruits that are a
staple food of the South Pacific
and other tropical areas.
Breadfruit contains considerable
amounts of starch and is seldom
eaten raw. It may be roasted, baked,
boiled, fried, or dried and
ground into flour.

The breadfruit is a superb tree,
about 60 feet high, with
deep green, shining leaves,
a foot broad, sharply and
symmetrically cut, worthy,
from their exceeding beauty
of form, to take the place of the
acanthus in architectural ornament,
and throwing their pale green
fruit into delicate contrast.
      Isabella Bird
"Fascinating Woman Explorer"

All Thing
Somehow Work Out
For Those That Love.

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



Common Mergansers    Link