- The Dalai Lama
The Chinese word for 'crisis' means both danger and opportunity. Every wound, every broken place carries opportunities: for us to gain some new understanding, and also for that new wisdom to impact the lives of others. As a hospice volunteer I learned much from the dying. Much about what really matters in life: the value of touching, the meaning of love. They taught me about really seeing, really hearing, really listening, about the precious gift of TIME. 'Musts' & 'shoulds' have lost their power over me a little. The world is so much more than we can see and touch. I have learned that healing comes from wounded healers. I no longer seek perfect people, or to be a perfect person. All healing involves mutual healing. In respectfully receiving, we give. In respectfully giving, we receive.
"We all contain within our hearts that love which is for the healing of the nations. What we lack is the courage to start giving it away." - Cassidy
Aloha to you, reader! Cloudia