Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Happily Kindled

A L O H A From Honolulu!

A picture is a poem
without words. Horace

Fern Growing Through Monstera

Our brightest gazes
are happily kindled by
unexpected beams of light
that shine
throughout our world.
Karen Sather  Link

We all shine on, like the
moon, and the stars,
and the sun.
John Lennon

Everybody needs a hug.
It changes your metabolism.
Leo Buscaglia

Every night you sleep.
Every day you eat, brush
your teeth, and wash your hands.
All day, every day you are
surrounded by news, by
mass ways of doing
and thinking.
Doesn’t it just make sense
to take some time throughout
the day to stop and remember
what You love, what You
are really grateful for,
what You are working towards,
what You believe in?


Love You,
 Pixie  Cloudia