A L O H A !
Where do the Great White Heron Go?
During takeoff we see the S neck
retracting to flight-tight position.
At end of day, in Golden Time
the isle across the lagoon
shows her white spots
mellowing by the minute
to rose gold.
This is Heron Island if you please!
Though an Egret or two,
white doves who flew,
may keep up the theme
soon to be a rabid Meme!
"Welcome to Heron Isle!"
Spots on the beach
are going for fifty thousand!
Not just any feathered clown may land
only the brothers and sisters in white
flush with many fish and
hours of day-lit flight.
Welcome to Heron Isle!
"Away from the tumult
of motor and mill
I want to be care-free;
I want to be still!
- I'm weary of doing things;
weary of words
I want to be one
with the blossoms
and birds."
Edgar A. Guest
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Thank YOU
Fondly, cloudia