A L O H A !
The San Francisco Bay Area
and Hawaii are cousins
you might say.
There are many connections
that I am discovering.
At a recent event in Novato,
I had the chance to recharge
my Na`au with
H U L A.
“I believe that dance is the
oldest, noblest and most
cogent of the arts. -
- I believe that dance is
the most perfect symbol of
the activity of God
and His angels. -
I believe that dance has
the power to heal, mentally
and physically. . . ”
Ted Shawn
"He who is unable to dance
says the yard is stony."
African Proverb, Kenya
“Dance is the movement of
the universe concentrated
in an individual.”
Isadora Duncan
Thank YOU
Warmly, cloudia
"NA-AU, s. The small intestines of men or animals,
which the Hawaiians suppose to be the
seat of thought, of intellect and the affections."