A L O H A !
"Each of us is
as intimately attached to the
soil of this beautiful country
as are the famous jacaranda trees
of Pretoria and the
mimosa trees of the bushveld -
a rainbow nation at peace
with itself and the world."
Nelson Mandela,
President of South Africa
first month of office
"Mandela's enduring legacy is that,
under a crushing burden of oppression
he saw through differences,
discrimination and destruction
to embrace our
common humanity,"
Bill Clinton
former US President
"The name Mandela
stirred our conscience
and our hearts.
It became synonymous
with the pursuit of dignity
and freedom across the globe.
a great light
has been extinguished.
The boy from the Transkei has
finished his long walk.
His journey transformed
not just South Africa, but
humanity itself.
As we mark his passing,
we give thanks
for the gift of
Nelson Mandela.
We ask that his spirit
continues to inspire,
guide and enlighten us
as we strive to bring
freedom and dignity
to the family of
man, our brothers
and sisters,
across the world,"
Enda Kenny,
Ireland's Prime Minister
"A great light has
gone out in the world.
Nelson Mandela
was a hero of our time. "
David Cameron ,
United Kingdom Prime Minister
"He no longer belongs to us;
he belongs to the ages,”
Barack Obama
US President
May His Greatness
Live in US
Fondly, cloudia