"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see." Schopenhauer
Construction has been happening directly in front of my boat where I live and work. Peaceful!
"Storytelling reveals meaning, without committing the error of defining it."
Hannah Arendt

The ProBowl is in town bringing lots of football fanatics to the streets of Waikiki.

Walking along, I came upon this troupe of Samoan dancers!

The people you meet on the street, local folks just making their living, are the most beautiful part of living in Hawaii!
What a week! A cancer scare, heavy steel beams swinging through the air next to my rigging, incipient world-wide depression, and a huge U.S. Navy warship run aground just off of Honolulu Airport. Just another week in paradise!
All of you who stop by here to talk-story, and to share a few moments of your scarce time, have been the bright spots of this crazy week. THANK YOU!
Your comments of support, your views on friendships, and the posts that YOU have shared in your own blogs, are more appreciated than you probably realize!
Someone asked me: "Why 'Comfort Spiral?'"
"Com" means "with." Come be my companion. Communicate.
A "Fort" is a safe place.
Spiral means inspiration, respiration, in and out, cycles around and back again. Not the downward spiral of all our fears, but the upward circular road; turning just a degree more directly to Heaven with every circuit. . .
A L O H A! Cloudia