A L O H A !
Have a genuine and relaxed smile.
A smile that lingers and lingers,
includes your eyes,
and evolves the grace
of your face;
as it reposes / blooms,
again, and again. . .
and often.
That genuine,
nearly always cultivated,
must mask a genuine
(nearly always cultivated)
relaxed and true-to-self
woman who meets,
likes, responds
to others
in the real world.
She is not preoccupied acting out
old dramas and hurts,
forcing others into roles
rather than delighting
in their truths.
Become Confident enough
to be gentle.
You will walk away
from charging bulls
like a lady
with foresight.
Never sling mud
with muddy,
reckless types.
An insight, a tip:
a true princess
is kind to each
and never haughty.
your own healthy
along with
the proper means
of their fulfillment,
which is mysteriously,
your own path to the same:
Savor life.
Every Drop.
Every circumstance.
Then Life
will savor you,
as will others.
Your grace,
and loveliness
are a powerful tonic
in this hectic,
too often hurting
Everyone had a mother.
Everyone is susceptible
to acceptance,
and to Aloha.
Once you are happy
alone with Life,
happy to smile,
to care, to pause,
to meet, to listen,
to love self
and others;
To value, protect,
and cultivate
your own unique
personal divine sexuality
as you discover
and define it.
Then You will be
alive to beauty
in every dimension.
You can finally Inhabit
your own
most beautiful self;
Trust the universe’s gift
to you: yourself -
and give her always
to others
in manifold blessings
at every level
from a kind smile,
all the way to
Even your kind, sincere,
“no thank you”
will linger pleasantly. . .
Be yourself.
That’s the simplest advice,
we've all heard it.
As I have learned,
it is the most
profound advice
you & I
can ever accept.
Play nice.
A sunny day
doesn't last forever.
Be one of the beauties
of YOUR day.
Thank YOU for Being a Friend
Fondly, cloudia