Aloha & Welcome to Da Beach:
"The mellow sweetness of pumpkin pie off a prison spoon is something you will never forget."
Mitchell Burgess
Mitchell Burgess
"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said I don't know."
Mark Twain
“The Fish Dance”
It’s season again for the fish dance. Why just look at them!
Next time you are walking by the harbor, stop to check out the intricate maneuvers underway by dozens and dozens of fish.
The first time I noticed, I thought it was a flotilla of leaves on the water. Then I saw the do-si-do, the alaman left, the schools splitting into separating spirals.
Sometimes, fish are packed so close together that da guys in the middle are pushed partly up and out of the water. All together now!
What are they doing?
I don’t know.
But back when I was taken to see Nuryev dance at Lincoln Center I didn’t need a knowledge of ballet to be amazed by the way he hung in the air at the arc of an unbelievably high leap. Well these tilapia are just as absorbed and expert in their corps de ballet. Spawning? Eating? Hula competition judged by mantis shrimp? I just don’t know. Do you?
A L O H A! Cloudia