How do YOU fill the blank?
Too many of us worry
about the bad that can happen;
But what if
we lived expecting
Mad Happy Little Cloud-Ram Cavorting
"Those that think it permissible
to tell white lies
soon grow color blind."
Austin O'Malley
“ If only we'd stop
trying to be happy
we'd have a
pretty good time. ”
Edith Wharton
I haven't been outside in days!
This Lingering Ick sure is. . .
um, lingering.
Though clearly I am mending.
The mad dreams
have been the best part.
Yesterday, I was paling
around with a famous
baseball player.
The best one
was the long distance call
from my Dad,
though it stung a bit
when I woke
and remembered.
Looking out my window,
reading your comments,
visiting your blogs
(as I am able)
is the best part of
this time of sickness.
When I was younger and on my own
I could not afford to get sick!
My car could NOT break down either!
(my old Volkswagens :)
Angels must have been helping me.
for years it all stayed together,
though now I recall,
my dad helped me out
on occasion
actually rolling up his sleeves
and going out to clean
the banks I had to clean.
Nice of him to look in again!
Let's spare a thought
for those one illness,
one paycheck away,
from homelessness-
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Warmly, cloudia