A L O H A !
"People used to ask me
what I wanted to be
when I grew up and
I’d say ‘Happy!’
That was all I
wanted to be."
Goldie Hawn
Did you want to
be a firefighter?
Unusual Happenings?
"Courage is
the resistance to
fear, the mastery
of fear, not the
lack of fear."
Mark Twain
Oh! Ball Drop! |
Multi-colored balls
all moving together.
Is this a
political statement?
Poor joke,
but. . .
Bouncy Bouncy Balls! |
"Success is how
high you bounce
when you hit bottom."
George S. Patton
The Crowd Goes Mild |
“If you can't explain
it to a six year old,
you don't understand
it yourself.”
Albert Einstein
I'll build a stairway to paradise Link |
"Every beloved object
is the center point
of a paradise."
Like a ball
to a child?
[17,000 bouncy, bouncy balls
dropped in Novato CA
Thank YOU
Fondly, cloudia