Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Island Cruising

A  L  O  H  A !

Hula Blues by The Brothers Cazimero on Grooveshark

 Honolulu light beautifies a wall, or a face

" Laughter is the sun 
that drives winter 
from the human face.  "

Victor Hugo

"Turn your face to the sun
and the shadows fall behind you." 
Maori Proverb

 Waikiki Summer

" There shall be eternal
 in the 
grateful heart. "

Celia Thaxter

 Island Cruising - Let's Go Holo Holo

" -locals will say
 ' I'm just going holoholo '
 to indicate no real planned destination;
 or, to say they are in transit 
to a specific place. "

" May the road rise
 to meet you,
May the wind be always 
at your back.
May the sun shine warm 
upon your face, "

Irish Blessing

JR Macaulay, 1917

 > < } } (°>

Thank YOU

                           Warmly, cloudia

Uncle Harry discusses the deeper meanings 
of the word HoloHolo- 1 minute