Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Roots of Current US Political Divide

America continues to deal with race.
 Frankly, old subliminal attitudes are at the root
 of much of the demonizing of our amazing president.

 Check out this 3 minute preview.
 It will all begin to make more sense.

 Films like Lincoln, 12 Years A Slave, 
and Django, further a conversation 
that includes Trayvon Martin,
Stand Your Ground, and the bible 
(which was used to both fight and defend slavery - 
as in the marriage equality fight today)

Attitudes of opposition to the federal government 

are quite ingrained in parts of the US,
yet significant numbers of US military volunteers, and 
our presidents, have come from the South 
(the old rebel confederacy that lost the Civil War).

They continue to see things differently. 

As the British Empire, 
and much of the civilized world 
recognized slavery as unsavory 

(to say the very least)
southern plantation owners promoted 
images of happily singing "darkies
thriving under the protection 
of benevolent owners, er, masters 
(sounds so much nicer, like with pets).
Their motivations were financial,
yes -
but not solely,
and the entire US
made lots of money
on slave labor
(they partially built
our US Congress building
with it's famous dome)

I see an inspiring (if not always perfect) 
president who mostly 
effectively supports 
what I believe in 

They see, 
well, it would be distasteful 
to share some of the 
disrespectful crap 
I've seen thrown at this man
 and his family!

Now Europe seems to be facing up
to the Roma (Gypsy) in their midst.
China has her Uighurs
and Tibetans. 

(The Uighurs & Roma
are both unrecognized
to Spell Check!)


What is going on
with group relations
in YOUR place?

               Please leave your comment, cloudia

Day OH

A  L  O  H  A !
Day-O by Harry Belafonte on Grooveshark
" The sun is new each day. "


If there must
 be trouble,
 let it be
 in my day,
 that my child
 may have peace."

Thomas Paine 

" I arise in the morning
 torn between a desire
 to improve the world 
and a desire to 
enjoy the world. 
This makes it hard 
to plan the day. "

E. B. White 

" With the new day
 comes new strength
 and new thoughts. "

Eleanor Roosevelt 

" Write it on your heart 
that every day
 is the best day in the year. "

Ralph Waldo Emerson 

" An early-morning walk
 is a blessing
 for the whole day. "

Henry David Thoreau 

> < } } (°>
Thanks for walking a while :)

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                    Warmly, cloudia