Tuesday, February 11, 2025

What's Wrong With THAT!

 A L O H A From

God sure made lots of 
different varieties of humans!

Law and equity are two things 
which God has joined, but 
which man has put asunder. 
Charles Caleb Colton

No One Left Behind!
Children's Wisdom
Warrior's Pledge

Dawn Reflected
Blinding sun
Too bright to behold
Story too vast
To ever be told.

We cannot grasp
The cosmic whole
Though fragments dance
In every soul.

Yet in the soft glow
Of heart-filled twilight
Angels reflect
This ultimate light.

We don't  see,
But we perceive
We do not know,
But I believe.
                Cloudia Charters

There is no love 
without forgiveness, and 
there is no forgiveness 
without love. 
Bryant H. McGill

You will always be lucky
if you know
how to make friends
with strange cats. Colonial Proverb


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Beckoning Cat In Neon
I Love Your Colorful 
 noble gases! Neon, 
argon, krypton, xenon, 
and helium!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Hearts Evergreen

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U
Things seen at night
fill me with delight.
They have a "not quite"
that somehow 
shows the truth.
        Cloudia Charters

No one is useless
 in this world who 
lightens the burdens 
of another.
 Charles Dickens


 Don’t be distracted 
by criticism. Remember, 
the only taste of success 
some people have is 
when they take a 
bite out of you.
  Zig Ziglar

When criticized, 
consider the source.
Mom Says

 Angel's glow   
   Wisdom's flow   
   Cosmic whole   
   In each soul   

  Silent truth  
  Gentle proof  
  Unseen present  
        Cloudia Charters  

A quotation is a handy
thing to have about,
saving one the trouble
of thinking for oneself,
always a laborious business.
A.A. Milne + Pixie

Love You
Pixie & Cloudia


Sunday, February 9, 2025


A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U
I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. Vincent van Gogh

The breeze at dawn 
has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.

Red Ti Cordyline and 
Philippine ground orchids
I expand and live 
in the warm day
like corn and melons.
   Ralph Waldo Emerson

A child of five would
understand this.
Send someone to
fetch a child of five!
Groucho Marx

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To

Monday Murals

Jaipur Garden Affair

Jean Charlot Mural


First Hawaiian Bank,

Kalakaua Ave

(In storage - Bank Branch Closed)
The Hawaiians of old
discovered and inhabited
these islands
centuries ago,
While Europeans 
hugged their coasts
lest they fall over 
the world's edge.
The great double-hulled 
sailing canoes
brought people, 
animals, plants,
and culture to

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hen vs Turtle

 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

you have to unplug
yourself from the world 
for a moment, so you 
can reset yourself.
  Vex King

Click On Photo To Enlarge

The turtle lays thousands
of eggs without anyone
knowing, but when the
hen lays an egg, the
whole country is informed.
Malay Proverbs

The simple act of listening 
to someone and making 
them feel as if they have 
truly been heard is 
a most treasured gift.
L. A. Villafane

Click On Photo To Enlarge

Be still,  and know
The world is aching.  
Beneath the surface  
Pain is real.

But it does not  
Require your breaking.
Witness with love
Not alarm.
Be the lantern
Not the shadow.
The sorrow of others,  
Must not drown you.

Be the lake
That holds the moon
Reflecting light  
In the darkness.

The gift you offer 
Is presence,  
not sacrifice.  
To see, to know, 
But keep on rising 

Stand humbly 
In your light,  
The world may
Yet find its way.
Cloudia Charters 

Pixie: We Love You


Linking To

Friday, February 7, 2025

Reason Enough

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

They will not colonize my heart
Or monopolize my mind.
Defiant yet Happy
In the  power of simplicity
Empowered to float
Over ignorance
Through the darkness
Shedding insight and love.
Cloud Mind Can't Be Caged.
     Cloudia Charters

Kindness and politeness
are not overrated at all.
They're underused.
Tommy Lee Jones

George Eliot:  It is a 
narrow mind that 
cannot look at a subject 
from various points of view.

Prejudices are
what fools use 
for reason.

Think about how kids 
laugh so freely-
They haven't learned to 
postpone happiness yet.
They understand what 
we've forgotten: 
being alive is reason 
enough to celebrate.
Vex King

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Thursday, February 6, 2025

ৡ Not An Option

A L O H A  From

Is an illusion
Beauty is
Always accessible
The decision to experience joy
Is within your reach
This moment, right now,
Is perfect for transformation
Stop postponing happiness
Your lovely time
Begins now, Precisely
Where you are.

There is more room 
in a broken heart. 
Carly Simon 

Gratitude can transform 
common days into thanksgivings, 
turn routine jobs into joy, 
and change ordinary 
opportunities into blessings.
William Arthur Ward

Strelitzia nicolai

Those who don't know 
how to suffer are 
the worst off. 
There are times 
when the only correct 
thing we can do is to 
bear out troubles 
until a better day.
 Deng Ming-Dao

Unfold your own myth.
Be empty of worrying.

Panic is not an option.
Cool head main thing.
Keeping Calm Carry On.
Breathe deep and
Find it within.

We Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie
