A L O H A From Honolulu!
You must stick
to your conviction,
but be ready to abandon
your assumptions.
Denis Waitley
Towered cities please us then,
and the busy hum of men.
John Milton
And as we fly, we still may not
know where we are going to.
But the miracle is in the unfolding
of the wings. You may not know
where you're going, but you know
that so long as you spread
your wings,
the winds will carry you.
C. JoyBell C.
Dark, cool, musty, smoky,
where light fell funny and
everyone looked
like someone you
knew or wanted to know.
Or, more likely,
wanted to forget.
David Baldacci
When I pass the bar,
you'll be barred from bars
but put behind them.
Natalya Vorobyova
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