A L O H A !
Fresh Start
" Sunshine is delicious,
rain is refreshing,
wind braces us up,
snow is exhilarating;
there is really no such thing
as bad weather,
only different kinds
of good weather. "
John Ruskin
So Much Wonder
" We need a renaissance
of wonder.
We need to renew,
in our hearts
and in our souls,
the deathless dream,
the eternal poetry,
the perennial
sense that life
is miracle and magic. "
E. Merrill Root
Sparkling Promise
“The air was soft,
the stars so fine,
the promise of
every cobbled alley
so great that
I thought I
was in a dream.”
Jack Kerouac
What if . . .
You woke up
with only
what you were
grateful for
Thank you Sun,
Thank you breath,
Thank you Pixie-cat
and coffee!
Thank YOU
for sharing
here with us.
Where it's a
party every day;
And the regulars
are the nicest people
all over the globe.
Peace OUT!
Wishing YOU
your heart's content.
Hope to see You
2 0 1 5
Hard to believe. . .