Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Breakfast at Epiphanies

Aloha &
       Welcome Back
                 to Virtual Hawaii

"Plans are nothing sacred.  
If the plan doesn't work, make a new one. 
People don't fail, plans do."

"An authentically powered person
is humble. . .
. . . It is the inclusiveness of one who responds
to the beauty of each soul,
who sees in  each personality
the soul incarnate upon the Earth."

Gary Zukav

" A sarcastic person
has a superiority complex
that can be cured only
by the honesty of humility.  "

Lawrence G. Lovasik

" Do you wish to rise? 
Begin by descending. 
You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds?
Lay first the foundation of humility.  "

Saint Augustine

" Humility 
is a necessary veil 
to all other graces.  "

William Gurnall

" Humility and knowledge
in poor clothes
excel pride and ignorance 
in costly attire.  "

William Penn

Each flock of birds lives forever

for they share a single soul

have you seen how they fly together?

Through births, deaths & seasons

each flock of birds

lives forever.

             Thank YOU for visiting today!  Please join us in 'comments.'  cloudia