Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Reason

A L O H A From Honolulu!

How does the man
in the moon cut his hair?
Eclipse it.

All growth is a leap in the dark,
a spontaneous unpremeditated act
without benefit of experience. Henry Miller

Indian Mynah
Diversity has been written into
the DNA of American life; any institution that lacks a rainbow array has come to seem diminished, if not diseased. Joe Klein

In gentle whispers breezes fly, Unseen starlight paints the sky. To brush the dusk with twilight's hush, The flush of magic soft as velvet crush.
Cloudia Charters

We're here for a reason.
I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. Whoopi Goldberg

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Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie