Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunset Soft and Fleeting

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Sunset soft and fleeting
Paint with day's last light,
Gentle hush ascending
Busyness taking flight.

Contentment is the seed
Sown in fertile hearts it grows,
Appreciation's blossom
Where gratitude freely flows.

         Cloudia Charters


Sincere deeds 
invite new friends.
 Toba Beta

Today I bent the truth to
be kind, and I have no regret,
for I am far surer of
what is kind than I
am of what is true.
Robert Brault


Love You,
 Cloudia & Pixie


Monday Murals

Water the longevity drink
clear and pure, Nature's richest gift, for sure!
Quenching thirst that vital art, Cleansing body, soul,
and heart.
Drink it often, every day, Longevity's tonic paves the way.