Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dive Depths Deep

A L O H A From Honolulu!
You have to be in the world
to understand what the
spiritual is about, and
you have to be spiritual
in order to truly be able
to accept what the
world is about.
    Mary Oliver

Dive, on mermaid
Your spirit take flight,
From the depths of your being
emit your own light.

The beauty and meaning
you search every day
Reside in your essence
a radiant, boundless ray.

Deceptively deep, this heart we hold,
A universe of stories untold.
With every beat a truth unfolds,
Timeless tide of all sweet souls.
       Cloudia Charters

When the night is cloudy,
there is still a light that shines
on me, shine on till
tomorrow, let it be.
Lennon & McCartney 
The Beatles

Looking for peace is like
looking for a turtle with a mustache:
You won't be able to find it. But
when your heart is ready,
peace will come looking for you.
   Ajahn Chah 

"Peep pEEp"

Originality is. . .
a by-product of sincerity. Marianne Moore

Linking To

Monday Murals