Sunday, June 9, 2024


A L O H A From Honolulu!

If you chase anything in life
chase the things that get you
excited about living. Chase the things
that give you hope, happiness
and a glimpse of a better life...

...Chase the things that make you
want to be a better person. Chase
the things that inspire you to think,
create and live joyfully. Chase
the things that reinforce in your
soul that you can make a difference....

...Chase the things that make you
want to transform your heart from
selfish to selfless. When you chase
that kind of storm
you are chasing rainbows.
Shannon L. Alder

Unbound by boxes,
Just be yourself,
One of a kind.

No label needed,
No mold to fit,
Embrace your essence
 every bit.

Let your light shine,
your spirit roam,
Unfurl your wings,
find your true home.

In the vastness of
this world, you'll see,
That beauty lies
in being free.

So dance to your rhythm,
sing your own song,
Be the melody that
makes you grow
swift and strong.

And when the world tries
to dim your hue,
Remember, dear one:
just be you.
Cloudia Charters


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To
Monday Murals

A Truly Amazing
International Event
Happening NOW All around me: