Friday, July 12, 2024

Don't Let them Pass By Unkissed

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Hoping to live days
of greater happiness,
I forget that days of
less happiness are passing by.
      Elizabeth Bishop

The seasons of my heart
change like the seasons
of the fields.
There are seasons
of wonder and hope,
seasons of suffering and love,
seasons of healing...
     Macrina Wiederkehr

Do not anticipate trouble,
or worry about what
may never happen.
Keep in the sunlight.
Benjamin Franklin

Imaginary obstacles
are insurmountable.
Real ones aren't.
Barbara Sher

The open-minded see
the truth in different things:
the narrow-minded see
only the differences.


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Weekend Reflections & Street Photography


Feline Friday

Floral Friday

Friday Smiles

Unnoticed Smile in Passing

Unnoticed smile – fleeting moment,
lost in the hustle of life.
Profound beauty, quiet resilience.
Respite from the round of strife.
Unnoticed smile - hidden grace, Softly whispers in a noisy place. No fanfare heralds it's gentle might, Yet in its subtlety, a profound light.
Blooms in secret like a flower Unseen by most, but felt for hours It's quiet strength pierces the din, Beacon of hope and love within. Let us cherish unnoticed smiles, Little things making life worthwhile.
Cloudia Charters