Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ideals VS Interests


click on the photos

He goes off to work.
A space is created.
Or revealed.
It is full of writhing
"Hey! Me over here!"
each one (of perhaps dozens)
yells all at once. . .

There will always be tasks, till the end of life.
I think that's what "Rest in Peace" means.
The "To Do" list is integral to our incarnate existence
and it's unending upkeep here.

. . . Yes certain worlds are always ending.
And certain people are attached passionately
to those ending worlds.

'Fin de siècle'

is not just a word to mispronounce

and the river of the Nile
is no longer a River of Denial

as millions awake
from a thirty year dream.

If young, you burn for possibilities;
if older you cheer them on
while thinking of stability and milk on the shelves.

Perhaps the best secret tonic
to perform the true alchemy
of changing ennui, fear & despair
into gold
is gratitude.

One begins mechanistically
(as one does to cultivate any new habit)
scratching the scalp trying to come up with
reasons to be grateful
but the cacophony is used to having it's sway
and we think always to be trapped
at their party.

But slowly gratitude ascends

 and broadens

like the sun.
(Touching everything)

It becomes a habit
and takes on a life of it's own.

Not a noisy life,
but punctuated with
quiet shouts of sudden joy.


Not just because it is "a good thing to do"
or good and right & joyful,
or (forbid!) the sniveling of a slave
hoping to avoid more pain.

As gratitude takes on that life of it's own.
You will be out of step with others,
even thought 'simple.'

Your stomach will still churn from time to time.
Isn't that great!
For the dead need nothing no more.

But you and I need groceries.
Tomorrow I'll post about

Thanks for visiting today!
Leave a comment even if it is just
         a  * :)  cloudia


Teresa said...

Love the picture of the woman post-cupping session!! I hope she felt a whole lot better. It was an interesting and enlightening post. ;-)

Full-On-Forward said...

"Perhaps the best secret tonic
to perform the true alchemy
of changing ennui, fear & despair
into gold is gratitude."

GRATITUDE--I'm so GREATFUL for YOU! I truly am!

Thanks Sis!

Hugs from SC,


Commander Zaius said...

There will always be tasks, till the end of life.I think that's what "Rest in Peace" means.

And I make it my mission to avoid, put off, or ignore all but the most important. It drives the people around me crazy.

Charles Gramlich said...

Very fine post. That woman's back looks freaky. I'm thinking some alien disease.

Rosaria Williams said...

Wow! You were really on message here today! Thanks.

SandyCarlson said...

I love this, Cloudia. So true. Gratitude is a wonderful form of infectious joy.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Post. Love the pictures

Anonymous said...

How impressive a measurement of current events. One can only hope that life returns to balance.

Please have a good Wednesday and
恭喜發財 Happy New Year.

daily athens

DeniseinVA said...

Fascinating, looked like that lady had gotten into a fisteecuffs with an octteepus. Great post Cloudia!

Feisty Crone said...

I'm grateful for your blog, Cloudia. Aloha! Terrific post!

Fickle Cattle said...

Gratitude is the key to happiness. I agree.


Windsmoke. said...

Fantastic mural on the car bonnet :-).

Kay said...

Happy New Year, Cloudia! Were those cupping marks or was she wearing some weird bathing suit?

Dinesh chandra said...

Nice portrait. great blog.


Dinesh Chandra

the walking man said...

I can live with being thought of as simple (minded).

Akelamalu said...

There is a lot to be grateful for.

As one of the Reiki Precepts says

"Just for today I will be thankful for my many blessings."

Friko said...

Just being thankful for your reminder.

Aloha, Cloudia

Joanna Jenkins said...

Amen to Gratitude..... and a good noodle factory ;-)

Cheers, jj