Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 A L O H A  From  H O N O L U L U

When love flows outward,
Joy blooms like light,
Self mellows in peace,
Connections burn bright.

Desire's tight boundaries 
Are ready for war,
But giving expands us
Beyond what we were.
Cloudia Charters 

To inspire people, don't
show them your superpower,
show them theirs.
Alexander Den Heijer

As long as
there have been humans,
we have cared for one another:
mother for child and onward.
You might say that
caregivers are the most human
among us. Whether it is full-time
care for a family member, a job, a profession, or just holding the
door for another person,
Most of us are caregivers.
Thank you. And
don't forget to care
for yourself.
Cloudia Charters

The most common way
people give up their power
is by thinking
they don’t have any.
  Alice Walker


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


When I was around 14,
and a huge fan of Judy Collins.
I attended her concert at
Philadelphia's Academy of Music.
Dropped off by my parents,
and on my own.
At the end of the show,
I insinuated myself into
the wings of the stage.
Just a kid, everyone
must have assumed that
I was SOMEONE's kid, but
certainly no threat. A Different time.
I found myself in her dressing room.
Just her and me. She in her bare feet.
Children and old ladies
may go anywhere!
We talked. She was charmed.
I left. She let the entourage in.

That evening reinforced an
important life lesson to me:
Act like you belong.
Don't gawk like a civilian.
And you can
Go Anywhere!