Sunday, March 16, 2025

Patience Strong

  A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

And while I stood there 
I saw more 
than I can tell 
and I understood 
more than I saw; 
for I was seeing in 
a sacred manner 
the shapes of all things 
in the spirit, and 
the shape of all shapes 
as they must live together 
like one being.
Black Elk

If you stand very still
and you hold to your faith
you will get all the
help that you ask -
You will draw from the Silence
the things that you need -
Hope and courage, and
strength for your task.
Patience Strong

We are the music makers, 
and we are the 
dreamers of the dream.
Wandering by 
lone sea breakers, 
and sitting 
by desolate streams.
World losers 
and world forsakers, 
for whom the 
pale moon gleams.
Yet we are movers 
and the shakers
 of the world 
forever it seems.
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy

Life is short.
while you still have teeth. Mallory Hopkins

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To

Monday Murals

Gone but not forgotten: 
Jazz Minds Club RIP