Sunday, August 11, 2024

Simply Joy

A L O H A From Honolulu!
To the illuminated mind 
the whole world
 sparkles with light.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's a good thing that
when God created the
rainbow he didn't consult a
decorator or he would still
be picking colors.
Sam Levenson

Suspended high daring feat!
Canvas of glass reflections to greet.
With steady hand and focused eye,
Paints with water an azure sky.

Dances on air, delicate grace!
Master of angles,
of time, and of space.
So let us applaud
this overlooked art,
Of window washers
with grateful heart.

Dwell within
gentle quiet flame,
With simple joy
transmute my pain.
    Cloudia Charters

What I want is so simple
I almost can't say it:
elementary kindness.
Barbara Kingsolver


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To

Monday Murals

Jaipur Garden Affair

If you carry joy
in your heart,
you can heal
any moment.
Carlos Santana