Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hen vs Turtle

 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

you have to unplug
yourself from the world 
for a moment, so you 
can reset yourself.
  Vex King

Click On Photo To Enlarge

The turtle lays thousands
of eggs without anyone
knowing, but when the
hen lays an egg, the
whole country is informed.
Malay Proverbs

The simple act of listening 
to someone and making 
them feel as if they have 
truly been heard is 
a most treasured gift.
L. A. Villafane

Click On Photo To Enlarge

Be still,  and know
The world is aching.  
Beneath the surface  
Pain is real.

But it does not  
Require your breaking.
Witness with love
Not alarm.
Be the lantern
Not the shadow.
The sorrow of others,  
Must not drown you.

Be the lake
That holds the moon
Reflecting light  
In the darkness.

The gift you offer 
Is presence,  
not sacrifice.  
To see, to know, 
But keep on rising 

Stand humbly 
In your light,  
The world may
Yet find its way.
Cloudia Charters 

Pixie: We Love You


Linking To

Friday, February 7, 2025

Reason Enough

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

They will not colonize my heart
Or monopolize my mind.
Defiant yet Happy
In the  power of simplicity
Empowered to float
Over ignorance
Through the darkness
Shedding insight and love.
Cloud Mind Can't Be Caged.
     Cloudia Charters

Kindness and politeness
are not overrated at all.
They're underused.
Tommy Lee Jones

George Eliot:  It is a 
narrow mind that 
cannot look at a subject 
from various points of view.

Prejudices are
what fools use 
for reason.

Think about how kids 
laugh so freely-
They haven't learned to 
postpone happiness yet.
They understand what 
we've forgotten: 
being alive is reason 
enough to celebrate.
Vex King

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Thursday, February 6, 2025

ৡ Not An Option

A L O H A  From

Is an illusion
Beauty is
Always accessible
The decision to experience joy
Is within your reach
This moment, right now,
Is perfect for transformation
Stop postponing happiness
Your lovely time
Begins now, Precisely
Where you are.

There is more room 
in a broken heart. 
Carly Simon 

Gratitude can transform 
common days into thanksgivings, 
turn routine jobs into joy, 
and change ordinary 
opportunities into blessings.
William Arthur Ward

Strelitzia nicolai

Those who don't know 
how to suffer are 
the worst off. 
There are times 
when the only correct 
thing we can do is to 
bear out troubles 
until a better day.
 Deng Ming-Dao

Unfold your own myth.
Be empty of worrying.

Panic is not an option.
Cool head main thing.
Keeping Calm Carry On.
Breathe deep and
Find it within.

We Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

To Ache And Be Whole

A L O H A  From


Conquer the angry one
by not getting angry;
Conquer the wicked
by goodness;
Conquer the stingy
by generosity, and
the liar by
speaking the truth. Buddha

I've always felt that 
a person's intelligence
is directly reflected
 by the number of 
conflicting points of view
he can entertain 
 on the same topic. 
    Abigail Adams

Our happiness comes 
from simple things like
 love and friendship , a 
clear conscience, peaceful mind, 
a gentle and kindly spirit; a 
sense of duty and an 
awareness of beauty. Happiness 
does not depend on the 
position we hold, the size of 
our bank account or whether 
we live in one room or a mansion.. 
As someone said, 'Happiness 
is an inside job.'
Rev. Paul Osumi

Opportunity often 
comes disguised in the 
form of misfortune, 
or temporary defeat.
                         Napoleon Hill

Soft like a breeze 
Sharp as thorn
Life rushes on
Daily reborn.

Paint brush joy 
Dripping my favorite hue
Coloring these moments
Shades of me and you.

Better to feel
To ache
And be whole
Than drift like a shadow
Vacant of soul.

      Cloudia Charters 

Love you,
Cloudia & Pixie


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Honored Guest Of Your Heart

A L O H A  From

Loving yourself…
does not mean 
being self-absorbed 
or narcissistic, 
or disregarding others. 
Rather it means 
welcoming yourself 
as the most honored guest 
in your own heart,
 a guest worthy 
of respect, a 
lovable companion.
                Margo Anand

Great Blue Heron photograph

We need to give each other
the space to grow, to be
ourselves, to exercise 
our diversity. We need 
to give each other space so
that we may both give and receive
such beautiful things as ideas,
openness, dignity, joy,
healing, and inclusion.
   Max De Pree

Royal Legacy Link

Oh while I live, to 
be the ruler of life, not a slave, 
to meet life as a powerful 
conqueror,  and nothing 
exterior to me will ever 
take command of me.
Walt Whitman

A smiling face 
is half the meal.
Latvian Proverb


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Wealth Bringing FENG SUI Good Luck "Gold Ingots"
May You Get Wealthy in this 
Year Of The Wood Snake!
Sycee were not made 
by a central bank or mint 
but by individual goldsmiths or silversmiths for local exchange; consequently, the shape and 
amount of extra detail on 
each ingot were highly variable. 
Square and oval shapes 
were common, but boat, 
flower, tortoise and 
others are known.
Sycee - Wikipedia

Monday, February 3, 2025

Paved With Candy

A L O H A  From

Life is about not knowing,
having to change,
taking the moment and
making the best of it,
without knowing
what's going to happen next.
Gilda Radner

Thrashing Dragon

People who do not know
how to laugh are
always pompous and
self-conceited. William Makepeace Thackeray

There are dark shadows 
on the earth, but its 
lights are stronger 
in the contrast.
Charles Dickens

Enlightenment is 
with all things.

The weather is always 
changing and so are we. 
Our alterations of mood are 
for our own growth and good
Through happy and sad, through 
hopeful and despondent, 
we learn lessons impossible 
to learn any other way.


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

It was raining, a 
light steady rain. 
Ruthless neon on 
the wet streets 
like busted candy.
            Denis Johnson