Friday, August 9, 2024

Time Is

 A L O H A From Honolulu!
True wisdom lies in gathering the
precious things
out of
each day as
it goes by.
E. S. Bouton

When one door closes,
another opens;
but we often
look so long and
so regretfully
upon the closed
door that we do
not see the one
that has opened
for us.
  Alexander Graham Bell

Time is a circus,
always packing up
and moving away.
Ben Hecht

It was a night so beautiful that
your soul seemed hardly able to
bear the prison
of the body.
W. Somerset Maugham

Be true, be kind,
be strong of heart. Do all you can,
play well your part. Let spirit guide
and wisdom mend. Then what you keep
is what you spend.
Cloudia Charters


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



Weekend Reflections & Street Photography


Feline Friday

Floral Friday

Friday Smiles