Thursday, August 15, 2024

Joy Growers

A L O H A From Honolulu!

 I have never 
started a poem yet 
whose end I knew.
 Writing a poem 
is discovering.
     Robert Frost

One of the main reasons that
we lose our enthusiasm in life
is because we become ungrateful,
and we let what was once a
miracle become common to us.
  Joel Osteen

When you can just step back
and see the big picture and
know that good things will come,
good things will go,
bad things will come,
bad things will go... 
then your happiness doesn't
rely on any kind of external situation.
That's the key to lasting happiness.
 Todd Perelmuter

Yes, joy is the thing
that has returned, and
not a moment too soon.
And joy in these days and
against this opponent is the
greatest weapon we have, because
it is nonexistent in him
and his movement.
John Pavlovitz,
Kamala Harris and the Return of Joy


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

In crowded streets and quiet lanes,
Human tapestry without names
Empathy our guiding light, and
 True connection, morning or night.

So let us look with a kinder eye,
And respect the soul of passersby.
In every face stories reside,
A testament to the hope
in which we all abide.
Cloudia Charters