Friday, August 23, 2024

Pin It With A Star

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Twilight drops her curtain down, 
and pins it with a star.
        Lucy Maud Montgomery

 Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come In. Isaac Asimov

the least important 
day in your life.
 It will be 
important enough.
   Thornton Wilder, 
Our Town "

Look deep into nature,
and you will understand
everything better.
Albert Einstein

To know how to grow old
is the master work of wisdom,
and one of the most
difficult chapters In the
great art of living.
Henri Frederic Amiel

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Weekend Reflections & Street Photography


Feline Friday

Floral Friday

Friday Smiles

Once you make a decision, 
the universe conspires 
to make it happen.