Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Genius Of Enthusiasm

A L O H A From Honolulu!
We are shaped by our thoughts;
we become what we think.
When the mind is pure,
joy follows like a
shadow that never leaves.
    Gautama Buddha

Nothing is so contagious
as enthusiasm; it moves
stones, it charms brutes,
Enthusiasm is the genius of
sincerity, and truth accomplishes
no victories without it.
   Bulwer Lytton

Problems are the outward signs
of unused inner possibilities. 
Rollo May

Forgiveness is the ability
to give love away in the
most difficult of circumstances.
Wayne Dyer

There is not one little blade of grass,
there is no color in this world
that is not intended to
make us rejoice.
John Calvin

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



Just follow your joy. Always.
I think that if you do that,
life will take you on the
course that it’s meant to take you.
Jonathan Groff