Tuesday, July 30, 2024


A L O H A From Honolulu!
Don't be pushed around
by the fears in your mind.
Be led by the
dreams in your heart.
  Roy T. Bennett

I have done nothing all summer
but wait for myself
to be myself again.
  Georgia O'Keeffe

From deep in creatures
radiance gleams,
Heart-fire burning
soft as dreams.

in the sweet embrace,
We find our haven 
and sacred space.

Where heart and soul
find sweet repose,
While love's pure essence
gently flows.
   Cloudia Charters

The mind is the shadow
of the light it seeks.
Jim Dodge

“Anam Cara” Soul Friend

It is in the shelter

of each other that
the people live.
Irish proverb


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia
