Thursday, August 29, 2024


A L O H A From Honolulu!
You can’t be that kid
standing at the top
of the water-slide,
overthinking it.
You have to
go down the chute.
  Tina Fey

A truly great book 
should be read 
in youth, 
again in maturity and 
once more in old age, 
as a fine building 
should be seen 
by morning light,
 at noon 
and by moonlight.
           Robertson Davies

Hope is a helium balloon. 
It is a wish lantern set out 
into the dark sky of night.
Sharon Weil

Photography is a reality so subtle 
that it becomes more real than reality. 
           Alfred Stieglitz

I think it is the small
gestures that resonate.
Nick Cave


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia