Monday, August 19, 2024

Tide Abide: A Little Farther Up The Shore

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Life's a force
The rising tide.
Ride the storms
You will abide.

Feel the power
Will to soar,
Open your wings
Dare to explore. 

Let nothing dim That inner light, Invincible So pure and bright! Wild and deep. My soul to keep. Dreams may sing When mountains sleep.

Spirit’s a fortress Defend the land. Rest your worries In the hollow
Of God's hand.

You are enough Brilliant and bold. Your story’s still writing Much yet to unfold.

With every challenge
May you rise and grow,
By radiant power
In steadfast glow.  
    Cloudia Charters

The secret to success
is to be in harmony
with existence, to
always be calm, to
let each wave of life
wash us a little farther
up the shore.
    Cyril Connolly

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Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie