Sunday, August 18, 2024

Wonder Of Life

A L O H A From Honolulu!
Even the longest
day has its end.
Irish Proverb

There comes a time
when you have to choose
between turning the page
and closing the book.
 Josh Jameson

Eagle soars, Bull stands strong,
Chrome steed gleams, a country song.
Outside a restaurant curious sight,
Creatures blend in neon light.
Beneath Hawaii skies of blue
A taste of Mexico waits for you!

Life is not always a matter
of holding good cards,
but sometimes playing
a poor hand well.
    Jack London


Love You,

Cloudia & Pixie


Happiness is possible
only when you stop running
and cherish the present
moment and who you are. Who
you are is already a wonder; you
don't need to be someone else.
You are a wonder of life.
            Thich Naht Hanh