Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sometimes It IS Gold

A L O H A From Honolulu!
Too many people miss
the silver lining because
they're expecting gold.
Maurice Sendak

Honolulu Back Streets

Grieving the people you have loved is part and parcel of growing old and it takes a lot of will power and keeping a constant check on your thoughts to stay positive.
    Nicky Melville

 Friends are as companions
on a journey,  who ought to
aid each other
to persevere in the road
to a happier life.

Shell Ginger Embraced by Red Ti

Things that were
hard to bear are
sweet to remember.

Yet in the heart a flicker gleams,
Sparks of hope the distant dream.
At last from depths of darkest night,
Ariseth dawn with healing light.

Let us unite with hearts aflame,
To mend the world and heal its pain.
With kindness sown, with empathy’s grace
We’ll build together a
Much better place.
Cloudia Charters

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Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia
